Aluminium Windows Bournemouth

Upgrade and enhance your Bournemouth home with sleek and modern aluminium windows. With a wide range of market leading styles available and a fully made to measure service, you’re sure to find the perfect aluminium windows for your Bournemouth home when you choose Swain & Rands. Why not get in touch with our friendly, expert team today to find out more about what our aluminium windows could do for your home.

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Aesthetic Aluminium Windows Bournemouth

We partner with market leading manufacturers Reynaers, to provide our Bournemouth customers with their high performance, environmentally conscious aluminium windows. You and your Bournemouth home deserve the very best there is, and that’s Reynaers aluminium windows.

These stunning aluminium window profiles combine high performance double glazing with seriously strong and durable aluminium to create windows that will last for decades and look great to boot!

Made to Measure

There’s nothing more important in home improvements than having a seamless and perfect fit. You can have the highest quality windows on Earth, but if they don’t fit right, they’re going to underperform and leave your Bournemouth home wanting. That’s why we offer a completely made to measure service so that you know that your new aluminium windows are going to fit flawlessly into the available space. Nothing fits as well as something made specifically to your measurements.

Secured by Design

Aluminium is comparable to steel in terms of strength, so it’s no surprise that aluminium windows are amongst the most secure window solutions available. In fact, our aluminium windows are so secure that they’re fully accredited with police backed scheme, Secured By Design, as well as meeting PAS 24 standards. You’ll be able to have complete peace of mind knowing that your Bournemouth home is safer than it’s ever been before.

Slimmer Sightlines

Enjoy wider, more expansive views from your Bournemouth home than ever before with ultra narrow aluminium frames providing increased amounts of natural light to your home. Not only do they give you a larger area of glazing, they also provide a sleek, elegant finish that will boost the kerb appeal of any Bournemouth property.

Colour Options

You’ll be spoiled for choice when it comes to customising your new aluminium windows as we offer an impossibly wide range of colours for you to choose from! No matter what your home’s style or colour scheme, you’ll be able to find a RAL colour to match, whether it’s from the standard colours or a custom RAL colour!

aluminium window prices bournemouth

Thermally Efficient Aluminium Windows

The more thermally efficient your Bournemouth home is, the better it will be able to maintain a comfortable temperature without needing lots of input from the central heating. Thanks to a range of innovative features, our aluminium windows offer exceptional thermal efficiency, meaning you could see your energy bills drop and your carbon footprint shrink.

Our Reynaers aluminium windows are double glazed as standard but can be boosted up to triple glazed for an extra layer of thermal performance. They also implement polyamide thermal breaks and clever construction principles to take the thermal efficiency even further still.

Hassle Free, Long Lasting Aluminium Windows

Older, timber style windows can require huge amounts of maintenance, largely because timber is highly susceptible to the ill effects of weathering such as warping, bowing, bending and rotting. Fortunately, aluminium is completely impervious to all these problems, as it’s innately weather resistant.

Aluminium is also well known for its longevity – it can last for decades, so when you upgrade to our aluminium windows, you’re making an upgrade that will last for many years to come. And you’ll barely need to lift a finger to keep them looking at their best, as all aluminium really needs in the way of maintenance is an occasional wipe with a damp cloth. That’s literally all!

Instant Online Quote Double Glazing

Aluminium Windows Prices Bournemouth

Here at Swain & Rands, we’ve been installing high quality, high performance aluminium windows across the Dorset area for more than 35 years. As a trusted, local supplier, you can be assured you’ll be getting an exceptional new home upgrade. But you don’t just have to take our word for it! Explore our accreditations throughout the website, or visit the case studies page to take a look through some of our previous installations to get an idea for how we work.

If you’re ready to take your first step on your home improvements journey, head over to our request for a free, bespoke quote with zero obligation to buy.

Alternatively, if you’d like to find out a little more, get in touch with our friendly, expert team today. You can reach us on 01202 536 422 or by filling out our online contact form.

Request a Callback

A callback is a great way to speak to our expert team in a timeframe that suits you. Our team will be able to help you with any aspect of the process, right from the initial quotation of your aluminium windows to installation. Whatever you need, our friendly team will be more than happy to help you.

Finance Options

If you want to take the plunge and have aluminium windows installed into your home, you may want to take a look at our finance options. We offer a range of options for customers to choose from. Find the perfect plan that suits you and explore our full range of fiancé options online today!


What’s the best way to request a quote?

The quickest way to request a quote for our aluminium windows is using our online quoting tool to submit your enquiry. You can also ask our team directly! Just get in touch either online or over the phone today!

What other products do you offer?

Perhaps aluminium windows aren’t for you? No sweat! We also offer a range of uPVC casement windows, uPVC flush sash windows and more. In addition, we supply conservatories and doors.

What accreditation do you have?

Our installation team are well trained to deliver the perfect aluminium window installation. This is ensured by our Certass certification, meaning you can trust the quality of our fittings.



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